Garden vegetables directly from the region
Honestly, vegetables still taste best when they come from your own garden. You simply can’t find this freshness in any supermarket. But growing your own vegetables is a lot of work, not everyone has the time and not everyone has the necessary space. That’s why we have set out to offer just such garden-quality vegetables.
On less than one hectare of cultivated land, we produce a wide variety of vegetables at GRAND GARTEN, which we market regionally. More than 50 different vegetable crops are grown here by hand all year round – environmentally friendly and organic, just as you would do in your own garden.
Healthy nutrition is this simple
Every week we put together a colourful selection of our harvest, which then finds its way to our customers in the form of colourful vegetable boxes. And not only in the warm season, but also in winter! With the GRAND GARTEN vegetable box, you can discover a variety of regional vegetable specialities that are typical for the respective season. So that you can still plan your weekly shopping, we always inform you at the beginning of the week by e-mail about what you can expect in your vegetable box. We also send you exciting recipe ideas and keep you informed about news from GRAND GARTEN.
The great thing about it: You can join at any time and order your first vegetable box! No strings attached. Week after week, you will receive a fresh selection of the best organic vegetables that are currently in season.
You can pick up your vegetable box from the following pick-up stations:
- Absdorf (Thursdays from 3:30 pm, 24h accessible)
- Königsbrunn (Thursdays from 4:00 pm, 24h accessible)
- Kirchberg am Wagram (Thursdays from 4:00 pm, 24h accessible)
- Feuersbrunn (Thursdays 4:00-7:00 pm and Fridays 9:00-7:00 pm)
- Krems, EVI Naturkost (Thursdays from 3:00 pm during the opening hours of EVI)
- Pixendorf (Thursdays from 1 pm, 24h accessible)
- Tulln, Bio am Platz (Thursdays from 1:00 pm, during the opening hours of Bio am Platz)
- Tulln, UFT/BOKU (Thursdays 1:30-3:30 pm and Fridays 8:00-11:00 am)
You have the choice between a large, a small or a mini vegetable BOX. The size that suits you best depends on your cooking habits and the number of people you are cooking for. Vegetable enthusiasts, smoothie fans and vegetarians or vegans are probably happy with larger quantities of vegetables. Basically, we recommend a small box for 1-2 people and a large box for 3-4 people who cook several times a week.
Large vegetable box € 24.00 per week
Small vegetable box € 19.00 per week
Mini vegetable box € 14.00 per week
If you choose automatic debiting (SEPA mandate), our administrative workload is reduced. We would like to pass this saving on to you and in this case charge you € 1 less per box.
You have the choice between three options:
12-month subscription (corresponds to 46 boxes) + 4 boxes FREE OF CHARGE
4-month subscription (corresponds to 17 boxes)
1-month trial subscription (corresponds to 4 boxes)
By ordering a 12-month subscription, you are giving us a great deal of stability and planning security in our work. In return, we thank you with 4 FREE boxes, which you receive as a gift after your subscription.
If you go on holiday or are otherwise prevented, you can always have your box picked up by colleagues, friends or relatives. If that’s not possible, you can easily take a break – just like with a newspaper subscription.
If you don’t want to commit yourself for too long, you can simply try out our vegetable box and order a one-month trial subscription that expires automatically after 4 boxes. After that, you can always opt for a 12-month subscription or a 4-month subscription.
Any questions?
Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions.
Here you can find our general terms and conditions.
And if you would simply like to talk to us personally about your Gemüsekisterl subscription, we would be happy to receive your e-mail at or your call at 0664 100 2567!
What awaits you in the vegetable box
Every week you will find a varied selection of the best vegetable specialities that are currently in season. In addition, there is a bouquet of fresh herbs that give your cooking creations a special zing. Click through the seasons and discover the seasonal flavours of our region!
- Blattsalate
- Radieschen
- Rucola
- Spinat
- Mangold
- Kohlrabi
- Kräuter
- Frühlingszwiebeln
- Karotten
- Blattsalate
- Lauch
- Radieschen
- Gurken
- Zucchini
- Melanzani
- Kräuter
- Zuckererbsen
- Tomaten
- Fisolen
- Erbsen
- Paprika
- Knoblauch
- Karotten
- Blattsalate
- Kürbis
- Mangold
- Rote Rüben
- Sellerie
- Fenchel
- Spinat
- Lauch
- Kraut
- Kräuter
- Physalis
- Karotten
- Winterkarotten
- Grünkohl
- Mangold
- Pflücksalate
- Asiasalate
- Chinakohl
- Kohlsprossen
- Pastinaken
- Rote Rüben
- Fenchel
- Kräuter
- Zwiebeln
- Kraut
- Rettich
- Speiserüben
- Wirsing
Where else can you get our vegetables?
If you would like to buy our organic vegetables in larger quantities for schools, kindergartens, gastronomy or events, we will be happy to find an individual solution for you. Please contact us at or 0664 100 25 67.
Unfortunately, we cannot offer individual sales for private households – apart from the vegetable boxes – for logistical reasons. However, you can also find some of our vegetables at selected partners in the region:
- Bio am Platz in Tulln
- Family Wechselauer at the farmers’ market at Holzschuhpassage in Tulln (Saturdays 7:00 am to 11:30 am)
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