Good to have you here! May we briefly introduce ourselves? We are part of the GRAND FARM, Austria’s first research and demonstration farm located in Absdorf, Lower Austria. Here, organic farmer and earthworm expert Alfred Grand has been working for years with new and old methods that ensure a stable food supply while keeping the environment healthy. Already for decades in arable farming and since 2019 also at GRAND GARTEN.

Hand-crafted vegetable diversity

Together with a young team, we converted one of our organic fields into a market garden in summer 2019. Since then, we have been producing more than 50 different vegetable crops by hand in the middle of the northern Tullnerfeld. All year round.

Every week we pack colourful vegetable boxes that can be picked up directly at the farm in Absdorf or at one of the five pick-up stations in Krems, Tulln, Pixendorf, Königsbrunn, Kirchberg or Feuersbrunn. This way you can easily get a fresh selection of the best organic vegetables that are in season, week after week. Recipe ideas included. So you are well supplied all year round – directly from the region.

The concept of market gardening

Market gardening is probably one of the most promising answers to the challenges of our time. It is about diverse vegetable cultivation for direct marketing – often supplemented by herbs or fruit. And it is done on really small areas, by hand instead of with large tractors. The land is cultivated all the more intensively. To be more precise: bio-intensively! The aim is to achieve the maximum possible productivity of an area, but always on the basis of organic farming: without pesticides, without mineral fertilisers.

There are already a number of such market gardens in Lower Austria, and it is estimated that there are already about 100 to 150 such farms throughout Austria, with more being established every year. In this way, numerous new jobs are created in rural areas, young people find interest in agriculture again and the supply of the population with high-quality vegetables becomes more local and independent.

Productive outdoor laboratory

Worldwide, the benefits of market gardening have already been observed for years and some of them have been documented, but there is still hardly any research work in this field. For this reason, GRAND GARTEN is not only to produce a wide variety of organic vegetables in the future, but is also to be used as an open-air laboratory. In cooperation with various research institutions in Austria, but also with international partners, work is being done on the further development and demonstration of this successful model. “So that in 15 to 20 years, every larger village will have its own market garden that can take over the regional supply of high-quality organic vegetables for the population,” is Alfred’s vision.

We are looking forward to all those who want to support and accompany us! Are you interested in working with us? Just write us a message!


How to reach us

+43 664 10 02 567


Postal address:
Kremser Straße 63
3462 Absdorf

Opening hours:
by telephone arrangement


Alfred Grand
Kremser Straße 63
3462 Absdorf

M: + 43 664 132 69 04
E: grandgarten@grandfarm.at

Sitz: Absdorf
LFBIS Nummer: 406651840665
UID: ATU52947405

Bankverbindung: Alfred Grand
Raiffeisenbank Region Wagram eGen
IBAN: AT18 3200 2000 0000 2709

Mitglied der Landwirtschaftskammer Niederösterreich

Umsetzung und Hosting: 7reasons Medien GmbH
Inhalt: © Alfred Grand
Fotos: Alfred Grand, Livia Klenkhart, Johannes Pelleter
Logo: Lisa Rauscher

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